This document constitutes the Privacy Policy in relation to personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").

As part of the transparency requirement, this policy has been designed to be understandable and easily accessible to convey our obligations under the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR") and the revised Data Protection Act .

The personal data protection policy is intended for all individuals who come into contact with our site about the services our site runs as an administrator in the field of advertising, online services, customer acquisition and email solutions.

Part I of this document presents, as general information, the principles and requirements of the GDPR that the party undertakes to follow when collecting and processing data.

Parts II and III set out, respectively, the processing strictly carried out by the party in clearly defined situations, as well as the rights of individuals, which our party undertakes to respect.

Part IV sets out the means at the disposal of natural persons to obtain answers to any questions regarding personal data protection policy.

As this policy is subject to change, we invite you to use it regularly.

1 - Personal data is collected and processed by the website in accordance with the principles and requirements of the GDPR.

For the purposes of GDPR, personal data is defined as any information relating to an identified or directly or indirectly identifiable natural person.

Processing is operations applied to data that correspond to the situations and purposes set out in Part II of this policy.

the party processes data in order to implement lawful, explicit and legitimate purposes and tasks, in accordance with fair processes in order to provide services on its own or on its own account or its solutions and customer service partners.

Taking into account the general requirements of GDPR in the case of data processing:

We strive to collect and process data within the strict scope of the provision of given services and benefits, for lawful, explicit and legitimate purposes and in accordance with fair processes, in order to provide services and benefits;

If we intend to carry out any subsequent processing of personal data for a purpose other than the one for which the data was collected, we inform individuals in advance of that other purpose and any other information necessary for its transparent understanding;

We provide proprietary data to authorized recipients, including authorized services of our website and partners involved in the provision of services;

We are committed to ensuring transparency of processing with relevant information from individuals in all cases of data collection, when the data is received from the individuals themselves or possibly from third parties or technology;

We agree to minimize processing,

to ensure regular data updates,

preservation of data in accordance with the criteria set out in particular with regard to the purpose of processing, contractual or operational requirements or to meet our regulatory obligations, all in accordance with applicable law,

managing relationships with data recipients and subcontractors by all appropriate means to ensure compliance with our legal obligations,

in the event of a possible transfer of data to a country outside the European Union, to take all possible measures, in accordance with the requirements of GDPR, ensuring compliance with the regulations in force in Europe,

making colleagues aware of the requirement to protect personal data and their confidentiality,

ensuring the security of data processing and processing,

all rights granted to individuals under applicable law are taken into account.

The processing of personal data by the website is part of clearly defined situations

In the field of managing commercial relations with customers and prospects

The website collects data as part of establishing relationships with customers and potential customers interested in its activities.

It is a corporate goal that allows us to maintain and manage contractual relationships and keep in touch with interested persons.

As part of the implementation of various websites presenting various activities, websites may implement data collection forms in contact sections, as well as cookies or tracking technologies, the purpose of which is to understand the expectations of website visitors and to improve the content offered to them.

Cookies can be set automatically in the user's web browser software and stored on the device used.

The cookies used on the demo sites fall under the browsing cookie category that enable statistical research to be carried out. In order to understand the parameterization possibilities, the user is asked to consult the educational explanations provided by the French supervisory authority, the National Data Protection Commission (la Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés):

The right to provide information when personal data is collected directly or indirectly;

The right of access, enabling natural persons to obtain from the data controller confirmation that personal data concerning them are or are not being processed and, if it is access to such personal data;

The right to correct and delete personal data, enabling individuals to obtain, as soon as possible, the correction of personal data that are inaccurate and, taking into account the purposes of processing, the right to supplement the data, including a supplementary statement, as well as the right to delete, enabling the fastest possible deletion of personal data, if certain conditions are met;

The right to restrict processing for a certain period of time where certain elements apply, such as the possible challenge to the accuracy of personal data, unlawful processing opposed by the person, or, if the data subject needs to be processed, in order to establish , to exercise or defend rights in court, or if it is checked whether the legitimate grounds pursued by the data controller may outweigh the reasons of the person concerned;

The right to object, to a certain extent in accordance with applicable law, in the event of possible automated individual decisions based on the specific situation of a given person;

The right not to be processed for inquiry purposes.

The party agrees to investigate any requests to facilitate the exercise of rights recognized by the GDPR.

The answers will be concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible, clear and simple.

In addition, information may be provided to you in writing or otherwise, including by electronic means.

Upon your request, the information may be provided orally, provided your identity is shown otherwise.

Requests regarding your rights and / or the processing we perform, the application of GDPR, the Personal Data Protection Act, as amended, or the application of this policy, as well as any questions regarding personal data, may be made, at your option, in writing or orally, using the following contact details so that we can respond as quickly as possible:

Via e-mail to the following address:

You may be required to provide supporting information or documents to ascertain your identity.














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